“Mary Ellen has a sister. Kahleesi, her sister, has a sound heart. Mary Ellen was diagnosed 20 weeks into her pregnancy. They informed her mother that one of her daughters will be born with a severe congenital heart defect, a vertebrae curvature, and one kidney. To state that they were devastated would be an understatement. To survive, she will require a series of open-heart surgeries and other interventions.

The sisters were born on December 8, and Mary was able to return home for a brief period to grow and gain strength before her first open-heart surgery. During her follow-up appointment with her cardiologist, she became pallid and ill and was forced to undergo emergency surgery that evening. Since January 5, she has been in the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee.
Since then, Mary Ellen has endured numerous setbacks and is currently fighting for her life. Her thorax remains open in the event that they must intervene promptly to save her life.”

The newborn girl’s mother, Frankie Rochelle, wrote her a heartfelt letter expressing her affection for her.
“My darling Mary Ellen,
I never imagined that having you and your twin sister would have such a profound impact on my life. I was aware that you had a cardiac condition, but I was unfamiliar with the terms DORV, AVSD, and pulmonary stenosis. I was unfamiliar with CHD and the realm we were about to enter. We have experienced many ups and downs along this path with you. Know that we are with you every day, every step of the journey.
Being a heart parent has given me strength I had no idea I possessed.
In conclusion, I hope that you grow up to be everything you desire and more. I’ve observed that there are still decent individuals in the world. Everyone is taking such excellent care of you. You have demonstrated to me and everyone else your true strength. People from across the nation are aware of your identity and praying for you.
You are the hero of my heart eternally and ever.